Pendulum Fitness

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3 Ways to Improve Sports Performance

There are a few components that make up sports performance. Speed, power, agility, strength, core stability, confidence, and sport-specific skills are a few components of sports performance that I can help to improve through different training exercises, drills, and interventions.

Resistance Training

Resistance training can benefit performance as many adaptations are created when resistance training can cross over to sport. Aspects such as Speed, Power, agility, strength, and core stability can all be improved via resistance training. Unilateral training for example has been shown to decrease change in direction speed which is a skill utilized in most sports. Resistance training programs can also be tailored to be more sports-specific to improve the transition of skills from training to games and competition.


Proprioceptive training aims to increase your awareness of your body in space. This type of training should improve sport-specific skills and drills, for example, passing, catching, throwing, hitting a ball, kicking, punching, etc. as coordination between limbs should be improved. It should also reduce the risk of injuries that occur due to biomechanical displacements, for example, landing on the outside of your ankle, resulting in an ankle sprain, or twisting your knee with your knee pointing inward (valgus) and foot fixed on the ground, resulting in an ACL sprain.

Core Training & STT

Core stability is really important as it allows for force developed in the more powerful lower limb to be transferred to the less powerful upper limb, reducing the amount of force having to be produced by the upper limb. This means that the body can work more efficiently to complete tasks and utilize less energy. This also helps to reduce the risk of overuse injuries in the upper limb as they have less of a demand placed on them.

However, even with good core stability and effective force transfer, overuse injuries and acute injuries can still happen, negatively affecting performance. Due to this, soft tissue treatments benefit performance by helping to restore normal muscle and joint function, reducing pain and helping to maintain normal musculoskeletal function.